I’ve been asked many times if I offer online coaching or counselling sessions for individuals. In a few cases, I have provided some informal one-on-one explorations. Yet, I have understood that my calling is focused on small groups and to serve as a guide and facilitator in these encounters, rather than with individuals. Many times […]

How do I ask questions that serve another? What do open and expansive questions feel like? Where do these questions come from? In the quiet circles I facilitate, online exclusively this past year, I guide participants in a process of learning how to ask the questions that serve another in accessing inner wisdom. The practice […]

I have a fiercely resolute lack of regret today for jumping into this quick election in BC. I longed to reach more people with our Green message for greater justice and courage to make the significant changes we so need to make: to cut through the foggy haze of so much information overload. And to […]

A 2020 BC Election Poem -Dan Hines Sometimes hope is optimism. I like those moments. Sometimes hope can only be raw defiance. Sometimes hope feels more like refusal. It feels like refusal tonight. I refuse. I refuse to be silent. I refuse to be limited to binary either/or reactions when I know a third way […]

Why politics, Dan? Why are you running? And for the Greens? The questions of my dear friends. The questions I hold a week into this snap BC election. The questions I asked today as I filed my nomination papers at Elections BC. 2017 campaign My response tonight to the questions is a short reflection and […]

“Hi, I’m Dan and I’m powerless over the Lie”. I say those words at each Q faith community meeting. I then continue to reflect aloud about the issues of my life, as honest as I am ready to be. For the first few meetings, although I found great meaning in that statement, I used this […]

A Storm. Pandemic. Unemployment. Fear. Mass protests for justice. Social disruption. A storm. A river moves. A bridge to nowhere. What do we do when the river moves? Several years ago, I stumbled on a photo of a bridge in Honduras. The bridge spanned the Choluteca River. It had survived the devastating destruction of Hurricane […]

My letter to the editor (Kamloops This Week, June 2, 2020) concerning the moral failure of President Trump. Alas, the confusion, tumult and ethical disarray of the US administration has fallout north of the border. “As a Canadian, I tend to not comment on U.S. politics. I am aware of our need for addressing our issues […]

Self-isolate. Social-distance. Shelter in place. As strange phrases define our necessary response to slowing the spread of infections, I feel the weight of these words: novel terms appropriate for a novel virus. Some of my comfortably-at-home, successful and introverted friends are coping well with these new realities of quarantine and solitude. They share on social […]

I have been wanting to offer some reflections from the experience of being a presenter at a remarkable educational centre: Hollyhock. The campus rests in the traditional territories of the Klahoose, Tla’amin, Homalco Nations; on what is currently called Cortes Island. Hollyhock has transitioned from a place of gathering, to a pioneering homestead, to the site […]